Only a snapshot of moments from your adolescence are spent alone, and to be frank, they're probably your lowest moments - for me this means shutting yourself away in your bedroom and crying because things are getting that little bit too much, to sitting in silence stressing about an essay that's due faster than words you can type.

After finally nailing an awesome first full time job in Cardiff in September 2016, I was on a serious flat hunt. Ideally, I didn't want to live alone. I wanted to live with friends, which unfortunately didn't work out as many of my friends weren't in a position to. I didn't want to live with random people due to the potential stress it can cause. If I wanted to do exactly what I had planned, I had to live alone.
This decision completely terrified me at the time. I found a beautiful flat in Cardiff Bay, close to my job to be and pretty central - and I basically prepared myself to wing the next few months and hope for the best. For anyone that is thinking about whether to live on their own; please read the following, adapt it to your life and then make your decision. This is coming from someone who hated their own company and hated the thought of living alone.

Dealing with bills
As someone who went to university, lived in student accommodation and then went on to privately rented accommodation, I had my taster of real adulthood, and dealing with utility companies. As a student, I had my fair share of issues. However, living alone is a different kettle of fish.
My tips are; - Prepare a budget beforehand (I use Numbers on my iMac to create a pie chart), this gives me a clear view of my expenditure. - Research your utility companies. When I first moved, I went with an internet provider that I didn't properly research. Moral of the story, I had horrific customer experience, got over £100 taken from me and never to be repaid - and no internet for about 2 months. It was a nightmare, so do your research!!! - Pay all your bills on the first of every month - you are then free to spend your money!
Those lonely hours after work
When I first started my job, I was slightly scared of how I was going to fill my time. Obviously, you can spend time with your friends etc, however, my first full time job was shift work. This meant the majority of my time was spent alone because I worked completely opposite work times to everyone in my life.
My tips are;- Find a great Netflix series to binge on. For me this was Gilmore Girls - nine seasons of pure joy that kept me going for a long time. - Invest in a good book. Books are always a perfect way to escape, get lost in someone else's world when actually you're sat in silence in your living room alone, but it doesn't feel that way, and time goes bloody fast too. - Make time for things you always put to one side, i.e cleaning. Whilst living alone, I have found the joy in cleaning. Whack on a playlist on full volume and clean away!!
Making it your own space
One of the most exciting things about living alone is being able to make your place your own, with no one else's opinion. I was so excited to make my little nest exactly how I wanted it. After spending hours on Pinterest and spending way too long in H&M Home, I was so happy with how my little flat turned out, and the comments from my friends when they came over made it worth it.
My tips are; - Ensure you give yourself a budget and do things as cheaply as you can. There are always hacks for cheap DIY, and Pinterest will be your best friend for this!- Get creative. One of my favourite things in my flat are collage boards. I got pin boards from Asda which were about £5 each, and then stuck all my favourite photos, gig tickets, little mementos. These are up on my wall and make me smile every time I see them. - Don't fill your home with pointless clutter - in my eyes, the more crap laying around, the more to clean. I literally sound like my mother, but when you're cleaning yourself you will want to make it as easy as possible.
I don't live in Cardiff Bay anymore - I have since moved and am now fully settled into my second flat. Despite never wanting to live alone, I can safely say it has been a huge learning experience. I now enjoy my own company, and don't get anxious whilst being on my own. I can fill my time and enjoy the fact I can do whatever I bloody like. Although it is quite selfish, it's great!!
Bodysuit - TopshopSkirt - Primark Bag - New LookShoes - Vans
I'd love to hear if you have any tips to share?