Recently, my anxiety is all over the place. I've literally been up and down like a yo-yo and had no idea why. Thinking about it now, it could potentially be because time is flying by and I feel like I don't have control of it. Now I'm working 9-5, I do tend to find myself living for the weekend - despite trying to fill my weeknight evenings after reading Sophie's post and always hating the idea for only truly fulfilling two days of a week. I feel like time is slipping through my fingers.
Because of this, I decided to do a reflection post of 2017 so far. At the beginning of the year, I wrote a post about my goals for the year.

The first of my goals was self love - now I think I've done pretty well with this one. I wrote a blog post a few months ago about this. And since that post, my self love has been the same. I'm doing things to make myself better, and completely being myself and I'm feeling so much better for it!
My second goal was to travel more. This is one I wish I had achieved. I've been on a few weekends away this year but no actual lie on the beach all day, and soak up the 35 degree heat holiday. Despite this, all of my trips have been fantastic! So far I've been to Edinburgh, London - twice, Leeds and soon Winchester. I am really loving exploring the UK and seeing what's just a car drive away.
My third goal was to see more live music. I feel mixed about this one. I've been to some gigs this year - that have all been awesome! So far I've seen You Me at Six (my favourite band in the entire world) twice!!!! I've also seen Justin Bieber (thank you to my lovely boyfriend!) and Paramore (for the first time, and I had a grin on my face the entire time). I had tickets for another gig but I couldn't go because I was so unwell, and then a gig I really wanted to go to but had to work on the night!

My fourth goal was to become a volunteer at Cardiff Dogs Home. Now this one has been an utter flop. Now, I tried to register at the beginning of the year but couldn't because I couldn't commit to enough time due to my shift work schedule. Now I've changed jobs and work 9-5, I just haven't got round to it. In the past two months, I've changed jobs and moved house - so you can imagine how much free time I've had. At the moment, I'm just taking the time to enjoy my new life schedule, but this is definitely something that is always in the back of my mind.
And the final, fifth goal of the year is to read more. The first few months of this year, I did try but the work schedule made it difficult and the book I was reading didn't have me gripped. Since I've moved, I'm onto my second book and thoroughly enjoying being back into the swing of reading. It makes sleeping which is a pain when you suffer from insomnia, that little bit easier.
I think so far, I'm doing pretty well with my goals - especially as I still have 5 and a half months left to complete them all! I have so say, there have been many amazing moments this year. I'm going to list some of my favourite moments so far, so I can look back on this when I'm feeling down in the dumps, and be uplifted.

- Visiting Edinburgh- Dancing on the bar at Coyote Ugly- Moving into my new flat - Going to so many cool blogger events- Becoming best friends with the lushest bloggers ever- Visiting Leeds- Being a stage manager at Cardiff Music Awards- My best friend coming to stay with me, and having the best weekend in Cardiff- Seeing my favourite band twice - Being in a backstage bar with my lush boyfriend and my favourite band- Having the best 22nd birthday ever- My grandma finally coming out of hospital after 7 long months- Landing a new job in Marketing - Watching Moana on a Rooftop Cinema in London, with one of my best gal pals- Getting the 2nd tattoo of my leg sleeve- Spending endless hours laughing with James
They are just some of my favourite moments. This year, despite sometimes being extremely challenging, is definitely one of my favourites yet!
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