Improving my anxiety is always at the forefront of my mind, and no matter how anxious I feel, I always try to remember how far I have come - which is a hell of a long way. There are various things I do to attempt to minimize my anxiety; talking to loved ones about how I feel, using apps such as Calm and Headspace, exercising etc etc. One thing that I find particularly useful is to focus on the little things that happen daily that often slip straight past us. One of my favourite bloggers, Melissa Media Marmalade, recently wrote two incredible blog posts #1, #2 that really struck a cord with me, and completely inspired me to write this.

Taking just 10 minutes a day to reflect on the little things that have brought a smile to your face is such an easy way to lift your mood. No matter how low I feel, I know that I smile or laugh at least once a day. In the darkest of periods, those tiny moments of joy are perfect to cling onto. I usually reflect in the shower. For me, not only is this a practical use of my time, but it allows me to start my day in a positive manner.
Everyone will have different elements of their life that they want to remember. Of course, I will forever treasure the monumental moments that have happened to me such as graduating from university, moving into my first flat, having awesome opportunities through my blog etc. For the average Jane like me, these monumental things don't happen every single day, this is why the little things will always be so important to me. I've pin pointed four of those little things that I hold extremely close to my heart, that make me realise that life is worth living, no matter how testing it can be.

Watching The Sunrise or Sunset
If you know me well, you will know that I absolutely love watching the sunrise/sunset. The amount of times I have dragged people with me to watch the sunset at the beach is unbelievable. When I lived in Cardiff Bay, I was lucky enough to be able to see the sunrise every morning from my balcony. It was beautiful and some of the sunrises I have seen have been incredible. However, for me nothing will compare to sitting at the beach, sea air blustering through your hair, waves crashing against the rocks and the sun creating a gorgeous cocktail of colour across the sky. It is one of my favourite things to do and makes me feel extremely lucky that I have gorgeous beaches right on my doorstep.
Laughing Until My Stomach Hurts
Is there anything better than being in an uncontrollable laughing fit with your best friend? Now, this is something that usually happens when I'm with James. We were having a conversation the other day, saying how when we see each other we are always guaranteed a laugh, and this is so true. There have been countless moments between myself and James, where we have been gasping for air, clutching our stomachs and had tears streaming down our face, now although this sounds painful, it will forever be something that brings me joy. There are so many moments that have caused uncontrollable laughter, that no matter how down I am feeling, I can think of and it will immediately set me off again.

Singing Along to My Favourite Songs In The Car
Now I am the first one to say it, I am bloody awful at singing. However, my car is metaphorically my stage. No matter if I'm with someone or alone, I will crank my music up and sing my heart out. I have a very varied taste in music, literally anything goes, so what I'm listening to very much depends on my mood that day. Driving along with my music on, singing along to every word, and playing all the air instruments possible, (honestly, I am a one woman band), brings me so much joy, and something that makes any journey that little bit easier.
Taking Time Out of the Day to Read Blog Posts
One of the reasons that I started blogging in the first place was because I was constantly inspired when reading posts. I absolutely love reading posts, whether someone is showing off their gorgeous new outfit, reviewing the latest makeup or a raw personal post. There is such diversity in the blogosphere, that you're never left without something to read. Believe it or not, blogging is bloody hard work. It isn't just about receiving the occasional free product, you have to have an idea, write the post, take the photos, edit the photos, schedule endless social media posts, alongside sticking to a routine in order to keep your audience engaged. It can be very easy to slip behind on actually reading other peoples blogs. Something I have recently found joy in, is taking an hour or two out a week to sit, read and comment on blog posts I love. Not only is it inspiring for my next post, but it's bloody great to see so many bloggers doing so well!!

Top - River Island Skirt - Primark (Similar here)
Shoes - Converse
Watch - Cluse
It is extremely important to be receptive to joy in times of darkness, and for me focusing on the little things is the perfect way to do this! I'd love to know what your little things are!