Christmas is one of my favourite periods of the year. I absolutely love all the festive build up, all the lights, Christmas food, party, glitter, spending time with my nearest and dearest. For me, Its a time when i get to go home from uni and have a nice break to spend time with everyone and catching up on what has been happening over the past few months.
This year, I have been lucky enough to have 3 advent calenders, which is going to have a very exciting build up to Christmas. Its lots of tiny presents everyday before Christmas, including chocolate, beauty items and other little bits and bobs.

The three advent calenders I have this year are;
A Mickey Mouse Clubhouse chocolate calender - Now what Christmas would be complete without Disney? I didn't really want this one, but I did buy my calender in Asda last night, meaning I didn't really have the option to be fussy. I would have preferred a princess one, but I am very happy with Mickey.
The second advent calender I have is the Tanya Burr Deck The Hauls calender. I'm super excited about this as I love Tanya and love all of her products. I have to admit then when I received this, I did slip the plastic out of the box to see all of the products because I was so excited. Luckily, I have a brain of a sieve and have forgotten them by the time it was December. This is the first door I have opened today and it is this gorgeous pigment. This is in the shade Crème Brulee which is on of the shadows in the Candy Glam palette.

Now the third advent calender is by far my favourite. Last year my mum bought me the Boots No7 advent calender and my father bought me the Ciate calender. Both of which were amazing. This year none of the beauty advent calenders were really taking my fancy, but I still really wanted one as I loved having them last year. (I'm aware I have the Tanya Burr one but it is only 12 days instead of 24/25)
Me and my mother decided to create my own one. My mum gave me a budget and I got to pick everything and then my mum (actually my dad, because my mum is crap at wrapping) wrapped them all and labelled them. I am so excited about this because I definitely want everything in this box and will get use out of everything.

Do you have any beauty advent calenders this year? Let me know in the comments.