When receiving this book, I had a flick through the pages just to see what some of the questions were, and I noticed that a few lines of the book were filled out. Although I would usually be annoyed about this, I actually thought it was so lovely that I could see someone else's memories for that day. Something about it just really pulled on my heart strings. (Although this is unlikely, If it was you that sent me this book from America, I hope you and your partner had a lovely anniversary).

If you don't know what this book is, it is a 5 year journal. On each page is the date and the month and 5 spaces to write in, along with a question. Each date has a different question which is the reason why this book is so cool. Each date a year you will answer the same question, meaning you're able to look at what your answer was the previous years. I love that this book lets you look back with so much ease.

When I received this I knew I would automatically love it. I absolutely love the font on the cover of the book and know that it will look so nice on my bookshelf. It is fairly small, which means its easy to carry the book with you.
I am so excited to continue to fill this book out and to look back on my life in 5 years time